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Monday, August 18, 2008

Review: Sony B&C Labs CP Balms

Made by Sony (yep, the computer company!) B&C Labs in Japan, these are fruit scented balms in cute containers. These retail for about 6-7USD, available at ichibankao.com or in various Asian markets around you.

The novelty: Of course, fruit flavored balms are nothing new. But the containers are so cute! And so, the craze began.

The flavors: Peach, Apple, Orange, Pear and Strawberry. I have Peach, Apple and Orange. I also had the chance to get strawberry but I was skeptical that it was by Sony because it is much smaller.
Apple: The original. Not really appley, more of the skin if you know what I mean.
Peach: Doesn't actually smell like peach, more of a very sweet candy. My favorite out of all!
Orange: Again, doesn't really smell like orange. Pretty artificial really. My least favorite.

Size: It doesn't say the size on the pots, but they fit comfortably in the palm of my hand.

How are they? Well, as balms, they could do better. I will be the first to admit that there are cheaper, better lip balms out there. It sits on your lips for a little, then sinks in and you never see it again. I definetly WOULDN'T recommend using this at night--in the morning, your lips will be a little dry.

Would I repurchase? Yes!! If not to use as a night balm, as a day one so I can reapply as needed.

Also as part of this line: Hand creams in all flavors (I am not sure about pear or strawberry), and I managed to get my hands on an Apple one. Review coming up soon!

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