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Thursday, October 30, 2008

MAC Strawbaby

Oh. My. God. Nc25 and above ladies, you need this. Especially if you want a lippie that will brighten your face up. I had been lemming this for months after the 2/08 Fafi release, something like since June and July. When I managed to swap for this, I was *almost* disapointed when I opened it. It didn't look like all the pictures! But at first swipe across lips, it was love. The color description is a coral rose with rainbow pearl, in the lustre finish. Its pretty pigmented for a Lustre, and definetly pretty warm. The price was 14$, which is the regular price of MAC lippies. I probably wouldn't go to the trouble of hunting it down again because there probably are dupes out there, but I'd repurchase the shade anytime.

Left and Above (swatches) are MAC Lightly Ripe lipstick, Cult of Cherry collection.


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