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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Review: Shiseido FT Super Mild BS Citrus Face Wash

Whew! That is one long name. Of course, I think this is one of Shiseido's lower drugstore skincare only lines--but I'm not that sure about it. They also carry an apricot super mild body wash--looks just like the face wash except it's orange. Don't know what to think...

This stuff comes in a screw top curved bottle that fits nicely in your hand. Mine is 90ml, but I've seen huge bottles (with a push dispenser) of it at Mitsuwa--around 12 0z maybe? Th 12 oz retails for about 15$ in Asian supermarkets around you. I shudder to think how long it would take to get through one of THOSE--but if you do, don't worry! Shiseido sells the same size refills that you can just pour into those bottles.

Firstly, the texture. It's sort of a cross between gel and cream--thicker than gel, but spreads like it. It's non-foaming, but you can really feel it lathering on your face. It washes easily away too, without leaving a film on your face. While it says "Super Mild", it leaves your face squeaky clean--with a little bit of tightness, so definetly use moisterizer afterwards.
(Wow, this picture looks odd ...)

With Water:

I use a little bit (a little goes a long way!) after taking my makeup off with Shu Uemura cleansing oil and that gets rid of anything the oil might've missed.
It's scented with fresh citrus (as the name might've told you :P) and I like it, it's unobtrusive but brightening.

I can't tell you any of the ingredients as they're all in Japanese :X. This stuff doesn't break me out--huge yay! It might be as close to Holy Grail for me as anything I've ever tried. Now it's on a shaky HG status, we'll see if it can last there.


  1. I used the body soap and I didn't like it at all. I think Shiseido has much better drugstore items.

  2. Hi Wanderer! Ooh, I don't think I'll be trying the soap then. I agree--Shiseido definetly has better d/s products that this line, even though it's decent.


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