We have moved! Please head to http://www.lavieenbeaute.wordpress.com if your browser does not automatically redirect you. Please update your bookmarks with the change! La Vie en Beauté: Awarded!


Welcome to my abode of pretty things (:. Continuing Oscar Wilde's aesthetic one beautiful possession at a time.

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IMPORTANT: I will ALWAYS disclose which products I have received from companies free of cost. I will never write sponsored or paid articles. Products sent to me are sent for consideration only, and are not guaranteed a good review. Unless otherwise indicated, everything reviewed are products purchased by me.

La Vie En Beaute is formerly Diamond in the Rough at thoughtsofeverythingandanything.blogspot.com. Please note the change because Blogger WILL NOT automatically redirect you!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Thanks so much to the lovely Y at the XX Chronicles! Click to go for a visit!
She nominated me for the Beautiful Blogger award! You guys have no idea how excited I am :)

The Rules:
1. Link the girl who awarded you and thank her!

2. Put the picture of the award on your blog

3. Award 7 beautiful bloggers!
. Tell them you awarded them!
5. Tell us all 7 interesting things about yourself!

My Interesting Things:

I'm not legal yet! [Adult that is!]

I love creative writing [and hate math and science...go figure!]

Addicted to music.

Love my Converse kicks!

I really want a yellow car.

The things I always leave home with: Cell phone, ipod, money and lipgloss. [Bath and body works liplicious frozen daiquiri!]

7. Am currently [failing] French ;x.

I nominate...

1. Kathy at Lotus Palace for all those awesome Asian makeup reviews!

2. Haru at Rouge Deluxe for the latest news on Japanese makeup!

3. Jojoba at My Makeup Reviews for detailed insight on a whole lotta products!

4. Elvira at Pink Sith for her love of taupe and reviews shot through with humor!

5. Lina at The Beauty Look Book for those amazingly gorgeous pics of hers!

6. Autumn Masquerade at Autumn Masquerade for great pics and reviews of the latest Japanese makeup collections!

7. Karla at The Next Best Thing To Going Shopping Yourself (self explanatory!)


  1. thanks for giving me this award. French is a romantic language. DH learned itin college too but he probably forgets all but what's to do with food. LOL


  2. Hey Jojoba! LOL! I like French but am so bad at conjugating verbs @@...:)

  3. Hi Ti Amo,

    Thanks so much! Good luck with French! For me it was always math...

  4. Hey Autumn Masquerade! :) No problem! Thanks! As I type this, I am due to start a math wkst...


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