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Welcome to my abode of pretty things (:. Continuing Oscar Wilde's aesthetic one beautiful possession at a time.

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IMPORTANT: I will ALWAYS disclose which products I have received from companies free of cost. I will never write sponsored or paid articles. Products sent to me are sent for consideration only, and are not guaranteed a good review. Unless otherwise indicated, everything reviewed are products purchased by me.

La Vie En Beaute is formerly Diamond in the Rough at thoughtsofeverythingandanything.blogspot.com. Please note the change because Blogger WILL NOT automatically redirect you!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Feeling Under The Weather...

Hi guys! I'm so sorry but I won't be able to post for awhile. The first reason is that at the moment I have a 102 degree fever...and the second is that I'll be taking a trip in a few days, that lasts for a few days and I won't have internet access.

I hope to be posting as soon as I can, maybe coming back in a week. For those of you who read my blog daily, I'm sorry that I won't have any new material for you to catch up on.

Again, I'll be back as soon as I can!



  1. Hi! Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Hi Elvira! :) I should be posting soon as I'm back and fever's gone! Dead tired though. Thanks for commenting!


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