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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Review: Kose Cosmeport Softymo Medicated White Cleansing Wash

Super long name eh? This latest skin care review is courtesy of Kose Cosmeport Softymo, a drugstore brand widely available in Japan. The face wash is supposed to whiten and clear skin of acne. Does it live up to it's promise?

But not to start the review off on a depressing note! (Haha). This face wash is packaged in a generous 190g or 6.7oz for about 8USD. [Keep in mind though that I got this at my Mitsuwa, which jacks up the prices of everything notoriously]. So far, so good. It's hygeinic--love the little insert thingy in the cap that prevents the product from exploding if accidentally squishing the tube.
There's the back! Made in Japan, obviously.

The texture of this is liquidy cream. It's white with some luminescence--I'm not sure why! Maybe to help with the 'whitening'? It's a bit thick, but easily lathers up. Once I wash it off, it leaves no residue but a tight feeling. Yuck! It can also remove some makeup--not hardcore mascara or eye shadow though.

I don't feel that my skin is whiter [I didn't buy this product for that claim anyways], and I regard such products as a load of bogus.
With water--lathered.
So why don't I like it? Well, the tight feeling for starters. But I've put up with the Shiseido FT citrus wash that left a tight feeling, so that is actually OK with me. It's the fact that after I've used this for a few weeks, I've started to get bumps. They aren't pimples--in certain light you can't even see it--but it's under my skin and I can feel it. People have suggested that they are clogged pores or milia--either one, I'm trying to get rid of it now. I do NOT recommend this, as it seems to have damaged my skin, not cleared it up.

Steer clear.


  1. Oh no... it sounds like the cleanser isn't really cleaning your pores out all the way. If it is millia, the best thing I've tried for it is The Body Shop's Vitamin C night treatment (comes in a thin orange squeeze tube). It... stings a bit, but using a thin, thin layer over my whiteheads really helped them go away faster. Good luck!

  2. Hi Catherine! It definetly isn't. Thank you for all the advice, I'll definetly look into that!! : )


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