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Welcome to my abode of pretty things (:. Continuing Oscar Wilde's aesthetic one beautiful possession at a time.

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IMPORTANT: I will ALWAYS disclose which products I have received from companies free of cost. I will never write sponsored or paid articles. Products sent to me are sent for consideration only, and are not guaranteed a good review. Unless otherwise indicated, everything reviewed are products purchased by me.

La Vie En Beaute is formerly Diamond in the Rough at thoughtsofeverythingandanything.blogspot.com. Please note the change because Blogger WILL NOT automatically redirect you!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Taiwan Haulings

When I landed in the Narita Tokyo Airport, I immediately wandered over to Duty Free and picked up an Anna Sui and Shiseido Maquillage shadows. This is the rest of my hauls in Taiwan over a 7-week period. Enjoy!

This stuff was ALL free:

And 5 pantene shampoo bottles...AND...

And this is what I came home to (My mom got it for me!):

Thanks for looking!! Feel free to ask me what anything is!


  1. Awesome haul! <3

  2. jealous of the haulage *drools*

  3. :] Taiwan is a great place to get them since it's about 5% cheaper!

  4. Sooo pretty! I am going to add you to my blog list ok? Enjoy your lovely makeup!


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